Friday, January 17, 2014

Arrow Season 2 episode 10 Review

in the most recent episode of Arrow there was a point at which I and probably every other person who was or has watched it that both Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak a.k.a. "Oliver's IT Girl". Barry Allen also known as being  the relative of "The Flash" in many a superhero and even comic books is still missing in action after the huge lightning storm that led to Barry Allen having a lot of chemicals to come into contact with himself meaning Barry Allen. I bet this isn't just only myself that is wondering when Roy Harper (a.k.a. Colton Hayes from the 1st and 2nd seasons of Teen Wolf), will both find out as well as become a part of the Green Arrow's big secret, and will Harper end up telling Oliver's own sister Thea Queen when he does? Who knows? That would definitely be an interesting plot thickener. This was a very good episode that had many suspensful moments; some of which included when the bomber shot Diggle. I literally at this point of the episode yelled out "No! Not Digg!" Because honestly the character of veteran soldier John Diggle (David Ramsey) makes up a good part of the show, mainly due to that he keeps Oliver in check. The character of Felicity Smoak a.k.a Emily Bett Rickards brings both chemistry as well as ensures that Oliver and Diggle stay level-headed and balanced. All in all this was a good episode LeonDesdichard out.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Vampire Diaries: ONE MORE WEEK :( New Episode on January 23rd Thursday Night 8:00-9:00 p.m____ 500 Years Of Solitude

  It's depressing and even very sad that all of the fans of the hit TV Series Vampire Diaries including myself due to I just love both how sarcastic and even mean Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) can be, ( I also liked him from the show LOST). Because unlike most shows such as: Arrow, Chicago Fire, and even Teen Wolf which have returned after a long-deserved break. Vampire Diaries is not coming back to our Television Sets until the seemingly-far away next week on the said date of its own normal showing time which will be on Thursday of next week on January 23rd, 2014 from 8:00-9:00 p.m. on CW. This season of Vampire Diaries is both amazing as well as is it suspenseful.(SPOILER!!!!) I mean probably my two favorite episodes of this season so far is at the end of Dead Man on Campus, during Damon's own interrogation of Wes, up until the point of when Damon reveals that he had been a resident of St. Augustine, a for a better description of Augustine, a hell-hole, as well as that we find out that he had remained there against his will being tortured for FIVE YEARS STRAIGHT. The Augustine episodes are probably my favorite episodes so far mainly due to how it  seems to almost even shed a light. To shed a light on some of the things that've happened to the character Damon Salvatore to cause him to be exactly how he is present-date. This is why my two favorite episodes so far would have to be DEAD MAN ON CAMPUS and THE CELL.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Episode Of The Hit TV Series Arrow Season 2 Episode 10 January 15th, 2014

So I bet everyone whose ever seen the hit TV series known as Arrow is both excited as well as overjoyed that it is time for a new episode once again. Because unfortunately all tv series feel the need to go on a break during Christmas, ah that's ok, TV producers have family to celebrate Christmas with same as both you and me as well I guess. Anyway here's a brief summary about what the new ep
isode of Arrow is going to be about; The name of this episode of season 2 episod
e 10 of Arrow is BLAST RADIUS. And here's a brief summary about what it is about.(don't worry there's no spoilers, I understand the anger when a new episode or movie is spoiled for me too).

      Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity discovers the person setting them off is Mark Scheffer, a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. 
    The Arrow discovers Shrapnel's next target is Sebastian Blood's "Unity Rally" and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. 
    The Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device.
    Until this episode airs I'll see you until next time, and hopefully in this episode of Arrow we'll see the Black Canary this time,"fingers crossed".


A Review on Teen Wolf Episode 2 From Season 4

Well unfortunately during this episode there wasn't very many appearances for either Peter Hale (Ian Bohen) or for our blue-eyed beta Derek Hale (Tyler Hoechlin). The one part that I'm pretty sure that no one ever expected was for the girl that had saved Isaac(Daniel Sharman) from the Alphas during the first episode of season three. We still don't know if Kate is actually dead or not, I'm just saying that It'd be impressive as well as even a complete 360 degree plot-change if the psychotic Kate Argent was some way or another able to come back from the dead, or is she really dead. Anyway I loved the episode all in all, one of the parts that I found very much to my own liking was that the color of the coyote's eyes were not some eerie shade of some fake-like yellow or orange like in every other either tv series or movie, I was very happy that the producers had gone the extra mile towards making an effort at ensuring that the small and minute details were to par with not appearing fake. All in all I loved this episode even though I really want to see more of both Peter and Derek Hale.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 2

so the last episode of teen wolf ended with both of the last so far as we know remaining two attractive Hale boys being tortured together both side-by-side. And we hear Peter state, " this is not my fault," to which Derek who we can tell being both very pissed as well as more likely than not annoyed at his uncle for once against causing another problem. Anyway Derek states to Peter:
"This Is So Your Fault," at which point the episode ends on this note after Derek and Peter both get shocked once again. But not before we see a background which is very oddly yet not unfamiliar. The background appears to be not unsimilar to the place where Kate Argent had originally tortured our very own now blue-eyed Beta Werewolf Derek Hale back during the first season. Speaking of Kate Argent, there may possibly be a return of the Psychotic Kate Argent, wouldn't this result in a very good season, not that it isn't already going to be a very good season. I just when I saw this amazing episode it made me think back to a part from season one when Kate Argent had been attempting towards figuring out the second beta. When both her and Chris Argent had been pre
sent at one of Beacon Hills' very own lacrosse games and had asked her brother Chris upon seeing the claw marks on the back of Jackson's neck about if whether or not a mere scratch from a werewolf, and could it actually result in a person ending up as a werewolf. To which our own Chris Argent had replied very cool and calmly:
"If the scratches were deep enough,".
Upon which Kate then directs her brothers own attention to Jackson's neck. Anyway could the Psychotic Kate have become a werewolf? That'd be an enormous and a complete 360 degree turn in the story plot of the amazing TV Series known as Teen Wolf.

check back afterwards for my own feedback on the newest episode of Teen Wolf's 
Season 4 Episode 2
