Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Episode Of The Hit TV Series Arrow Season 2 Episode 10 January 15th, 2014

So I bet everyone whose ever seen the hit TV series known as Arrow is both excited as well as overjoyed that it is time for a new episode once again. Because unfortunately all tv series feel the need to go on a break during Christmas, ah that's ok, TV producers have family to celebrate Christmas with same as both you and me as well I guess. Anyway here's a brief summary about what the new ep
isode of Arrow is going to be about; The name of this episode of season 2 episod
e 10 of Arrow is BLAST RADIUS. And here's a brief summary about what it is about.(don't worry there's no spoilers, I understand the anger when a new episode or movie is spoiled for me too).

      Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity discovers the person setting them off is Mark Scheffer, a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. 
    The Arrow discovers Shrapnel's next target is Sebastian Blood's "Unity Rally" and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. 
    The Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device.
    Until this episode airs I'll see you until next time, and hopefully in this episode of Arrow we'll see the Black Canary this time,"fingers crossed".


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